Utilizing AI to propell Indonesias farming sector
At Techbros, we strive for endless innovations that can positively impact society because we believe that the only limit is the sky. Elang AI is one of the tools that can idealize our vision to provide clients from various fields with the best, most practical IT solutions because just like an Elang (“Eagle” in English), we are not afraid to soar to the highest elevations to assist our clients, satisfying them with the latest cutting-edge technologies.
Known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of agricultural products, Indonesia’s agricultural sector plays a big role in the nation’s economic growth and the people’s welfare. It is with great honor to announce that, together with Telkom University, we are collaborating with the Livestock and Health Service (Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan/DPKS) Brebes in providing them with Aitelmoo, an AI-integrated tool that is able to detect cows’ body weight growth and health, as well as their food consumption using computer vision.
“AI is not limited to basic tasks, such as scriptwriting or translation work, but it can do so much more. If developed and utilized correctly, AI can be our companion in solving different problems, one being providing accurate weight measurements for cows, like our Aitelmoo.”
As a testament to our dedication for innovation and progress, Techbros is proud to participate in Hannover Messe 2024 as a part of our contribution in succeeding the Making 4.0 program, as well as our commitment to advancing the global industrial landscape through groundbreaking technologies and sustainable solutions. “We look forward to engaging with fellow pioneers and shaping the future together,” Techbros CEO Yudhi Rahadian stated.
For this project, we are targeting the cows located in DPKS’ Cattle Farming Area in Maribaya, Central Java, which serve two purposes: breeding and meat production. Our Elang AI technology will be integrated into Aitelmoo to create a Weight Detection System that can provide real-time data on animal weight, enabling prompt action and better animal care. Accurate weight measurements also contribute to fair pricing mechanisms when selling cow meat at the Wage Market in Brebes.

Aitelmoo utilizes Edge Computing, in which a camera and a computer system are needed to deliver the data of the cows’ weight. A camera will capture the cows’ physique, before delivering it to the AI Monitoring System. Users will then see the results through a website or their desktop once the system finishes analyzing the data. In its operational, Aitelmoo uses OpenRAN or Open Wi-Fi technology.

At the moment, cows are the main target for Aitelmoo. However, this use case for body weight measurements can also be implemented towards goats, which has become one of our main goals for Aitelmoo in the future.